Home Products Filter cartridges For liquids ECOPLEN-F

ECOPLEN-F based on PTFE porous film


Technical mark EFP-400-L

Ecoplen-F is used for preliminary and final cleaning of liquids including highly aggressive ones from solid mechanical and colloid particles more than 0.5 µm in the temperature range from — 20 to +135°С.

Construction and materials

Elements 500, 750, or 1000 mm high are manufactured by welding elements 250 mm high using polypropylene adapters.

High thermochemical resistance of PTFE makes it possible to use filters ECOPLEN-F for cleaning of almost all liquid products in the temperature range from — 20 to +135°С. The efficiency of particle retention provides a very high quality of liquid clarification making these filters a unique solution for high-quality clarifying and fine treatment of liquids.

High filtering surface area of ECOPLEN-F elements and their ability to pass regeneration with different chemical agents provide high service life.

Technical characteristics of the filters height of 250 mm (10 inches)

Filter rating, μm

0,5    1,0   2,0

Recommended flow rate, m³

Up to 0.3

Filtering area, m2


Operating temperature range, °С

from -20 to +135

Maximum differential pressure in the forward and reverse direction

0.6 MPa at +20°С
0.2 MPa at +135°С

Steam sterilization in the line

At + 142°C for 30 minutes without limiting the number of sterilizations

Hydraulic haracteristic of filtering elements EFP-400 with a height of 250 mm with different filtration ratings (μ=1cps, t=20°С)



• Registration certificate of Roszdravnadzor (Ministry of Health)
• Declaration of Conformity of the TR CU "On safety of machinery and equipment"
• Expret conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor
• Conclusion on toxicological, sanitary-chemical and biological tests
• ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008)

Example order (filter element ECOPLEN-F-L with a rating of 0.5 micron height 250 mm)








 Cartridge filter element

Material code: Corrugated porous film based on polytetrafluoroethyl ene

Numerator: L (liquid) Denominator:
Filter rating,

 Height of the working part of the element, mm

Adapter code: A0; A7; F0; F1

 Sealing material S; E