Home Products Filter cartridges For liquids ECOPOR-PES


Grade EFP-555-L based on polyethersulfone

Filter elements ECOPOR-PES are designed for removal of particles larger than 0.2 μm from liquids at operating temperature from -5 to + 90°C.
The filters are primarily used for fine, lightening and sterile filtration of liquids including aggressive ones in different industries.

Construction and materials

Filter material is hydrophilic porous membrane from polyethersulfone. The filter material with external and internal drainage layers made from thermosintering polypropylene is laid in a form hollow cylindrical pleated package with height 250 mm and is set between outer and inner perforated frames from polypropylene.
Elements of height 500, 750 or 1000 mm are produced by welding 2, 3 or 4 elements with a height of 250 mm through the transition parts. Elements of any height can be manufactured both in a dead end and in the passage way. The end and transition parts, outer and inner perforated frames of the elements are made of monolithic polypropylene and hermetically welded to the ends of the pleated package.
The particle retention efficiency is not less than 99.996% with at the recommended liquid flow rate.

General Information

High polyethersulfone membrane selectivity caused by narrow pore size distribution ensures high filtration efficiency and allows to carry out sterile filtration of pharmaceutical and dairy liquids.
High hydrophilicity and porosity of polyethersulfone membrane ensure low resistance and high flow rate of ECOPOR-PES elements.
High filtration area ensures long service life.
High retention capacity to colloid particles of different nature allows to effectively lighten liquids and to use ECOPOR-PES elements for opalescence removal.
High thermochemical resistance of polyethersulfone membrane allows to use ECOPOR-PES elements for filtration of large spectrum of liquids at normal and elevated temperatures and also to carry out chemical regenerations.

Technical characteristics of elements with a height of 250 mm

Pore size, μm




Water Bubble Point, MPa




Filtering area, m2


Operating temperature range, °С

-5 - 90 (95 for a short time)

Maximum direct pressure difference, MPa

0.4 at 20°C; 0.2 at 95°C

Number of sterilization cycles by autoclaving at ΔР=0,11 MPa and t = 121°С during 30-45 min

At least 30


Washing by filtered deionized water at Т≤95°С in forward direction of filtration. The elements sustain CIP-washing at temperatures up to +95°C.

Recommended pH range


Recommended liquid flow rate, l/h

Up to 300

Hydraulic characteristics of filtering elements with a height of 250 mm with different filtration ratings (μ=1cps, t=20°С)


• Certificate of registration Roszdravnadzor (Ministry of Health)
• Declaration of Conformity TR CU "On safety of machinery and equipment"
• Expert conclusion of the Rospotrebnadzor
• Conclusion on toxicological, sanitary-chemical and biological tests
• ISO 9001-2011 (ISO 9001:2008)

Order example: (Filter element ECOPOR-PES with pore size 0.45 micron 250 mm high)








Material code: polyethersulfone membrane

Numerator: L (liquid)
Denominator: Filter rating, μm

Height of the working part of the element, mm

Adapter code: A0; A7; F0; F1

Sealing material
S; E